Indoor Athletics Record Breakers 2022


At all our events, we are super proud of each and every young athlete that takes on and challenge at an event, no matter how big or small. This year we have had had some fantastic indoor athletics heats, with a huge show of support for school team members during races and field events. There has been too many photo finishes to count and a long list of close results on the field.

Due to this, we want to recognise our record holders for each heat this year. These people have achieved the highest result in their field event, out of all the other children at that event, a result worth celebrating!

To put into perspective, these children due to their dedication, enthusiasm, motivation and support from teachers achieved the highest results out of 378 children who came to compete across the 8 events!

Please find attached the full list of all record breakers. Well done everyone, your certificate will be arriving in school shortly!



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Who to contact

  • Hayley Tasker

    Hayley Tasker

    School Games Organiser & Coach

    Telephone: 01752 515385

    Email: [email protected]

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