Plympton & Tor Bridge Y1 Cricket

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Event description


This event is run by Claire Cormack [email protected]

This event is open to Year 1 children - 8 per team (mixed).

Designed to be an opportunity to learn how to play and take part in some Cricket style games. The event will begin promptly at 10:00 so please arrive in plenty of time to organise your teams and we are aiming to finish at 11:00.

Please ensure that your children are dressed appropriately for the activity and that they bring drinks along. We will be playing on the 3G so please ensure that all children have appropriate footwear. Parking on site is an issue so please arrive in plenty of time to park and get to the 3G. It will be staff only please as parents are not allowed on the school site while school is in session – please make this clear on consent forms.

Please seek consent for your children to be photographed for publicity reasons.

Intent - why

Intent - who