Lipson Family KS1 Multiskills Festival


Mount Street and High View attended the KS1 Lipson Mult skills event held at Lipson Co-operative academy. Schools split into teams of 5 or 6 and rotated around 10 different stations that were aimed at testing children’s skills in throwing, running, catching and agility. The activities included Balance beam, Speed Bounce, Chest Push, Bean Bag Toss, Assault course, Javelin Throw, Boccia, Agility test, Netball shooting, Jenga Tower.

Children enjoyed their activities and there were lots of smiling faces at the end. A huge thank you to Lipson Co-operative Academy for providing some great leaders and allowing us to use their sports hall.



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Who to contact

  • Josh Gilbert

    Josh Gilbert

    School Games Organiser & Coach

    Telephone: 01752 515385

    Mobile: 07929 774570

    Email: [email protected]

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