KS2 Change 4 Life Festival 2023


Our KS2 Change 4 Life Festival took place at Marjon University with 11 schools attending on the day. This event is always a great experience for the children who attend with a wide range of activities. Each school brought a maximum of 6 children who combined with another school in each activity. The activities on offer on the day were – Sonic the Hedgehog, Fruit Mashup, Climbing Wall, Dance Academy, Jungle is Massive, Target Toss, Battle Royale and Space Invaders.

In the morning, each team took part in two activities, followed by lunch and then another two in the afternoon, finishing off with a Q + A session. The Q + A session had two special guests, the first was Chloe Beer who is a  GB Rower and also Aidan Lee who works for the PSSP and competes in Muay Thai. The children asked some brilliant questions to the athletes and rewarded with some great answers.

The children seemed to really enjoy their activities and there were plenty of red faces. A huge well done to everyone that took part and a big thank you to Marjon University for hosting the event and providing students who led on a lot of the events.



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Who to contact

  • Josh Gilbert

    Josh Gilbert

    School Games Organiser & Coach

    Telephone: 01752 515385

    Mobile: 07929 774570

    Email: [email protected]

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