Stormbreak Mental Health Support

Mental health and well-being amongst the youngest members of our population continues to be a growing issue year on year with the latest figures suggesting that as many as ‘1 in 6 children is likely to have a mental health problem’ (The Children’s Society). Stormbreak® is a registered charity in England and Wales that provides training programmes for trusted adults in schools and other settings to help support children’s mental health and wellbeing through movement. It can be utilised in universal and targeted contexts and help schools to change the way that schools, families, and communities promote movement to support the development of mental health. 

In partnership with Active Devon, Stormbreak are running their Stormbreak Surge programme for primary schools across Devon, Plymouth, and Torbay. The programme offers your school a sustainable solution to support the mental health and wellbeing of the pupils in your care and allow them to develop the skills they need as they grow in our complex world.

Sign up to our online info session on Thursday 22nd February, 4pm-5pm HERE  and find out more about the Devon Stormbreak Surge Programme in the attachment.



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Who to contact

  • Anna Clooke

    Anna Clooke

    Partnership Leader

    Telephone: 07731471023

    Mobile: 07731 471023

    Email: [email protected]

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