Primary Inclusion Panathlon Oct' 2023


Tuesday 03rd October 2023 – Today, the PSSP teamed up with the Panathlon Foundation charity to host another fantastic Primary Inclusion Panathlon event. This multi-activity festival is focused on encouraging children with special needs and disabilities to try new sports and develop a passion for participation. Teams from Cann Bridge, Eggbuckland Vale, Chaddlewood, Leigham and Yealmpstone Farm all came along to have some fun and develop some new skills at the same time. Chris Sugden (Panathlon Foundation) arrived early in the morning to get everything in place for when children arrived a little later. Once set up, Chris trained our fantastic team of sports leaders from Tor Bridge High, so that they would be able to lead the activities and score the events. As the teams arrived, they were greeted by the leaders and shown around the hall. Then, after a  few team photos and we were underway. There were lots of different skill based activities for the children to have a go at: ‘Flight Path’/ ‘Boccia Blast’/ ‘New Age Kurling’/ ‘Precision Beanbag’/‘Skittles’/ ‘Parachute Popcorn’ and a ‘Basketball Target Challenge – all designed to develop gross motor skills, accuracy and team work. I think I can safely say that all the events were very much enjoyed as there were smiles all around and lots of excited noise. At the end of the morning, all of the scores were collated and the results announced. Every child that took part today received a certificate and medal and the smiles just kept getting bigger and bigger. Congratulations to Yealmpstone Farm who were the overall winners today, and to Chaddlewood  who were a very close runner up. Well done to everyone who took part, I hope you all enjoyed the event as much as I did. I would like to thank our Tor Bridge High leaders for all their hard work and for being so brilliant with the children. I would also like to say a huge thank you to Chris and the Panathlon team for all of their hard work in bringing this fantastic event to our PSSP program again. We have another brilliant event lined up with them in December and watch this space for an Inclusive Bowling event.


Who to contact

  • Claire Cormack

    Claire Cormack

    PE Specialist Teacher for Plympton Academy Cluster, Responsible for Partnership Mainstream SEN

    Mobile: 07932 460256

    Email: [email protected]

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