Plympton Academy KS1 Multskills Festival 2023


Last Friday saw Plympton Academy host a Key Stage 1 Multiskills team event in which schools rotated around a carousel of activities. A team brought a mixture of boys and girls from foundation, year 1 and year 2. We had 7 activities for children to take part in. Some were scored and some were just for fun. The two schools that attended were Chaddlewood and Yealmpstone Farm. The activities included Long jump, Tennis recall, Sprint Relay, Bean Bag throw, Speed Bounce, Chest Push and Domes and Dishes. At the end children were given certificates and there was a medal for the highest scoring girl and boy from each school. The children seemed to really enjoy themselves through the event with lots of smiles and red faces. They were really tested in using different skills and movements. A huge thank you to Plympton Academy for allowing us to use their sports hall as well as supplying some fantastic leaders to take the teams to their various activities and give demonstrations.


Who to contact

  • Claire Cormack

    Claire Cormack

    PE Specialist Teacher for Plympton Academy Cluster, Responsible for Partnership Mainstream SEN

    Mobile: 07932 460256

    Email: [email protected]

  • Josh Gilbert

    Josh Gilbert

    School Games Organiser & Coach

    Telephone: 01752 515385

    Mobile: 07929 774570

    Email: [email protected]

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