Tor Bridge Family Y1 Multi Skills 2023


Monday 20th March 2023 – Today our team of sports leaders from Tor Bridge High hosted a Multi Skills event for Y1 children in our local primary schools. 3 schools came along to take part in various events, all designed to be energy-packed and fun. Thornbury, St. Matthew’s and Widewell were represented today and we had a sports hall full of nervous but excited children. Schools were competing against each other but our main focus was on having lots of fun and trying lots of new challenges. The activities range from tests of skill and accuracy with the Bean Bag Throw; team events such as a Sprint Relay and Ladder Relay; speed and agility with the Speed Bounce and even a test of strength with the Chest Push challenge. There were so many smiling faces in the hall this afternoon, it was fantastic to see so many children enjoying being physically active and challenged. I would like to say a huge thank you to the sports leaders who helped today – you really stepped up and made sure that all of the activities ran smoothly and several members of the visiting staff commented on how great you were with the children – thank you! Every child that took part today received a certificate and the overall winning team received a special certificate. Congratulations to St. Matthew’s who were our overall winning team today. A huge well done to everyone who took part, we could see how determined you were to do well for your team – I hope you had fun! I am already looking forward to our next event – check out the PSSP website to see what exciting event is coming up next.


Who to contact

  • Claire Cormack

    Claire Cormack

    PE Specialist Teacher for Tor Bridge Cluster, Responsible for Partnership Mainstream SEN

    Mobile: 07932 460256

    Email: [email protected]

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