Widewell Level 1 Cross Country 2023


03/02/2023 – We embraced the showers this morning for our annual Widewell KS2 Cross Country event. Children from Y3/4/5/6 all took part to compete for House points. For the Y3 and Y4 children, the course was close to 3 quarters of a mile and for the children in Y5 and Y6, they had to go a little farther to make it a full mile. In this event, the faster you are, the lower the points you get for your team (i.e. if you finish first, you only get 1 point) and then it is the overall lowest scoring House who wins the day. Prior to the race, we discussed the importance of pacing in an endurance race and how we could use our self-belief and determination to make sure that we all finished. Despite some pre-race nerves, there was an excited atmosphere, and it was great to see all the children cheering for each runner. Well done to everyone who took part today, I hope you feel proud of yourselves as we certainly were proud of you. Every one of you did your very best and dug deep to make sure you completed the course. Huge congratulations to all of our winners – you made it look easy at times! Check out our winner’s board below. Every person who crossed the finish line, earned points for their house which was determined by the number in which the finished. Check out the table to see all the results from the day. Well done everyone – looking forward to our next event!


Who to contact

  • Claire Cormack

    Claire Cormack

    PE Specialist Teacher for Plympton Academy Cluster, Responsible for Partnership Mainstream SEN

    Mobile: 07932 460256

    Email: [email protected]

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