Leigham Primary Level 1 Hockey


Friday 16th December 2022 – What an exciting end to the term! It may have been -1 outside but that didn’t stop us as today was our final Hockey session with Y4 and it was House challenge time. Our team of sports leaders from Y5 and Y6 (who make up our School Games Organising Crew) were on hand to set up the equipment, lead the event and collect all scores – and they did an amazing job! First up were Miss Smith’s group: after a thorough warm up, we went through some stick tackling drills and then focused on ways in which we can keep possession of the ball. Then it was time for some competition… Today’s House challenge was called ‘Protect the Ball’. All of the children took part in their House teams and then 1 person from another team, came into their space as the tackler with the aim of pushing all of their balls out of play. If the tackler succeeded in getting all of the balls out of the space in 40 seconds, they got 5 points for their team. If the team managed to keep at least 1 ball in, they got the 5 points instead. The leaders collated all of the scores and then it was Mrs Mckeon-Carter’s groups turn. It was great to look around and see so many children putting the skills we have been working on into practice. At the end of the morning, back inside in the warm, the scores were collated and the results could be announced… Congratulations to Team Blue, who were the overall winners for Y4 today. Well done to everyone who took part and a special thank you and well done to our brilliant team of sports leaders! Merry Christmas everyone and I look forward to seeing you all in 2023.


Who to contact

  • Claire Cormack

    Claire Cormack

    PE Specialist Teacher for Tor Bridge Cluster, Responsible for Partnership Mainstream SEN

    Mobile: 07932 460256

    Email: [email protected]

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