Secondary & Special Schools Football 16.11.22


Wednesday 16th November 2022 – We were fortunate this morning to be able to squeeze in our PSSP Secondary and Special Schools Football event before the torrential rain came back. We had 5 teams with us, representing Cann Bridge, Tor Bridge, Coombe Dean and Plympton Academy. This is an event with a bit of a difference – this one isn’t about the winning at all but is focused instead on the School Games values of Self Belief, Determination and Teamwork – but more importantly, we want it to be fun. We play a round-robin format at these events so that all of the teams get to play each other. Our referees/scorekeepers/coaches are a fantastic team of sports leaders from Stoke Damerel, who do a fantastic job at every event: they ensure that all the games run smoothly and provide top coaching tips and even support some schools on the pitch when needed. We played 7 minute halves today with just enough time to grab a quick drink and then back onto the pitch. At the end of the morning, the scores are collated and we present the certificates in the clubhouse. Well done to everyone who took part today, I really hope that you enjoyed it. These really are some of my absolute favourite events and one young man summed it up nicely for me… “I hate Football but I have loved this today”.  It definitely is an event with a special difference. I am thrilled that so many of you are keen to come back next term – I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 25th January 2023 for our next one.


Who to contact

  • Claire Cormack

    Claire Cormack

    PE Specialist Teacher for Tor Bridge Cluster, Responsible for Partnership Mainstream SEN

    Mobile: 07932 460256

    Email: [email protected]

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