KS1 Indoor Athletics 2022


Our second ever KS1 event saw 8 teams take on our adapted indoor athletics programme. There were so many excited children as this was the first event outside of school for many of them. They were very keen to get practicing on the field equipment and test out the track and tunnels.

We started with the over/ under relays which they loved whilst waving to parents that watched and cheering on their team mates. Then in the field they took part in the standing long jump, soft javelin, chest push and balance beam. They were so happy to take part and enjoyed watching people from other schools too.

Through the day, each person collected the school games values stickers for their efforts. By the end of the event there were lots of colourful t-shirts full of stickers! Perry the Birmingham Commonwealth Games mascot also made an appearance and met lots of children taking part.

A huge thank you to the young leaders from Montpelier for their patience and enthusiasm with each child that took part. You did very well, especially for it being your first leadership event!



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Who to contact

  • Hayley Tasker

    Hayley Tasker

    School Games Organiser & Coach

    Telephone: 01752 515385

    Email: [email protected]

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