PSSP Dance Festival 2020

8 schools performed their well rehearsed dances today at our Dance Festvial. They have been practicing for so long to make sure that they are up to scratch and ready to perform to the other schools.

We had 14 dances which were all very very good! A whole mix of different songs and styles but it was lovely to see so many pupils get involved, with many groups making up their own dances together.

Each group got to perform their routines in the performance hall and show off all their hard work. After everyone had danced, each group was awarded with a certificate and a group framed medal to take back to school.

Well done to everyone that took part today, you have all done so well. We look forward to seeing lots of you next year.

'And remember Keeeeeeeep Dancingggg!'


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Who to contact

  • Hayley Tasker

    Hayley Tasker

    School Games Organiser & Coach

    Telephone: 01752 515385

    Email: [email protected]

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