Devon Ability Games-South

Huge congratulations to all the schools that competed or took part in different sessions at the Devon Ability Games yesterday. There were lots of different activities to try out with some great medals, stickers. certificates and trophies won by many Plymouth Schools.

From Plymouth we had Bickleigh Down, St Edwards, Beechwood and Victoria Road taking part in the Kurling. Austin Farm, Widey Court and Whitleigh competed in the Volleyball and Woodlands, Mount Street and St Peter's CofE took part in the Primary Festvial. All the teams competed fairly, and presented lots of the School Games Values throughout the day.

There were also lots of taster sessions to try out like Arts and Crafts, where lots ofc children won amazing trophies! Fencing, Yoga, climbing and lots more! We hope you enjoyed it and tried something new.

Thank you to our leaders from Notre Dame and St Boniface for their support on lots of different events. We have had some lovely feedback from Staff on your professionalism, willingness and amazing attitudes towards all.

Well done

Who to contact

  • Hayley Tasker

    Hayley Tasker

    School Games Organiser & Coach

    Telephone: 01752 515385

    Email: [email protected]

  • Josh Gilbert

    Josh Gilbert

    School Games Organiser & Coach

    Telephone: 01752 515385

    Mobile: 07929 774570

    Email: [email protected]

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