PSSP B2022 Dance Festival


Over the past month or so the lovely dance teams from Whitliegh, St George's, Montpelier, College Road and Beechwood have been working very hard on their dance routines, ready to perform at the festival. 

This year, as the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games are coming up, this was the theme of the festival. Schools thought of lots of creative ways to represent that in their routines, from the song choice, props, costumes and different colours they wore.

We were very lucky to have a personalised message from the B2022 mascot himself, Perry! The dancers loved this and found his dance moves very funny!

Each school recorded a video introducing their team, school and what song they were dancing to. They performed up to three dances per school, all keeping the B2022 theme in mind.

Before the performances started, there was a #PosewithPerry photo booth to take part in, with lots of funny props. Dancers also got to decorate a hexagon with their favourite songs, motivational words and drawings to add to the ever growing PSSP hexagon display. Perry had different coloured hexagons all over him. The hexagon is symmetrical and the strongest shape to represent strength, equality and respect. So as a Partnership we are making our own ‘B2022 Strength wall’ made up of many different contributions from pupils at different events.

Every person did a fantastic performance, they overcome fears, showed off all their hard work and most importantly had fun! A huge well done to you all, I have had lovely feedback already; I’m glad you enjoyed the morning.

Don't forget to tag us in your #PosewithPerry photos and keeeeeeeep dancingggg!



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Who to contact

  • Hayley Tasker

    Hayley Tasker

    School Games Organiser & Coach

    Telephone: 01752 515385

    Email: [email protected]

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