Updated Guidance from DfE on PE Kit

The Department for Education have released updated statutory guidance about the cost of school uniform, including a feature on PE kit.

This is statutory guidance from the Department for Education. This means that schools and their governing boards must have regard to it when developing and implementing their school and trust uniform policies. It should be read alongside the non-statutory guidance on school uniforms.

"When developing their school’s PE kit, governing bodies should apply the same consideration to cost as they would for the everyday items in their uniforms.

Schools should avoid being overly specific in their kit requirements for different sports and keep the number of items, particularly the number of branded items, to a minimum. For instance, it may be appropriate to have both shorts and tracksuit bottoms but specifying different shorts for football and hockey would be unnecessary.

No pupil should feel unable to participate fully in PE or represent their class or school because the PE kit is too expensive."

Who to contact

  • Anna Clooke

    Anna Clooke

    Partnership Leader

    Telephone: 07731471023

    Mobile: 07731 471023

    Email: [email protected]

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