Plympton St.Maurice L1 Target Sports 28.06.21

Today was the final day of our Target Sport challenges for Y5 and Y6. This afternoon both groups were challenged to recall all the skills we have learned over the past few weeks and apply them in 3 different team competitions. As each class arrived, they were split into 3 groups to start with one of the target sports that we have been learning in previous weeks: Archery, Boccia and New Age Kurling.

As the afternoon progressed, all groups rotated activity so that they all had the opportunity to take part in each of the events. It was down to the children to organise their games today, with only a little bit of support from their teachers. They led their own Boccia and Kurling games and were responsible for working out their own scores for the Archery. It was a busy and competitive afternoon but looking around, it was great to see so many smiling faces from children enjoying taking part in sport and activity.

I have had such a great time working with you all over the last few weeks, I hope you have enjoyed it too. Y6 leavers – make sure you say hi to me when you come up to Plympton Academy in September 😊

Who to contact

  • Claire Cormack

    Claire Cormack

    PE Specialist Teacher for Tor Bridge Cluster, Responsible for Partnership Mainstream SEN

    Mobile: 07932 460256

    Email: [email protected]

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