PSSP Junior Rowing Challenge 2024

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Event description

This event is being run by Claire Cormack [email protected] in conjunction with Plymouth City Council and the Armed Forces and will be sponsored by Aecom.


6 children per team from either Y4/5/6. Children from military families. 

Please arrive at 09:40 for a prompt start at 10:00.

Teams will compete in a variety of Rowing challenges with results collated for the following...

Individual distance over 2 minutes

Individual time to complete 100m

6 minute team challenge where team members must change after every minute.



09:40 - schools arrive (parking & muster information to follow)

10:00 Rowing event starts

11:00 Rowing event finishes

11:30 presentation on the mainstage

11:30 - 14:00 schools invited to bring a packed lunch to have lunch on the How and watch the Armed Forces Rehabilitation Triathlon. There will be activities for the children to take part in such as a climbing wall/face painting/ talks from inspirational speakers/field gun activities etc. 


Following the event, schools will be invited to bring a packed lunch and then stay for some other organised activities until 2pm. We hope to have a climbing wall/face painting/Field Gun activities/athlete speakers...


If you have any questions, feel free to drop Claire an email.